Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Global Environments Summer Academy 2015 in Switzerland

Deadline: January 15, 2015
Location: Switzerland.
Date: 27 July – 14 August 2015.

The fifth Global Environments Summer Academy on Socio-ecological Interactions in a Dynamic World will be held at the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern between 27 July and 14 August 2015. Under the leadership of Dr. Gary J. Martin, the Director of GDF, academic and community professionals from diverse backgrounds will be invited to present their current perspectives and practical work.

Please see the GESA 2014 Schedule for a sense of the general curriculum. For more detailed descriptions of GESA schedules and sessions, click here. Participants will actively interact with selected resource people throughout the course.
Additional information:

Relead International Leadership Training Program

Deadline: January 5, 2015
Location: Mumbai, India.
Date: 8 – 11 January, 2015.

Relead is a 4 day international leadership training program designed to equip individuals with skills to lead into the future.Having successfully concluded two Releads in Bangalore (in association with IIM-B), Relead is now scheduled to take place in Mumbai from the January 8th – 11th 2015. Relead Mumbai has been specially customized for students and budding entrepreneurs and focusses on helping them discover more about themselves. Please find below a rough detailing of every day at Relead:
  • Day 1: Discovering your passion.
    Using various psychometric tools and activities, we help you find where your passion lies. By the end if this day you will have known what you love doing the most.
  • Day 2 : Discovering your skills
    Using various tools and activities we try and assess your strengths and weakness. You will learn more about your personality. At the end of this day, you will know at what you can be the best in the world.
  • Day 3: What drives your economic engine?
    On this day, using activities simulations and talks we will help you find out where can you make money.
  • Day 4: Self Reflections and Aha Moments.
    The last day of every Relead has always been a roller coaster of emotions. Closing circle will bring out a lot of perspectives and emotions. Here is a session where each and everyone gets to speak about their Relead journey.
Eligibility and selection criteria for Relead:
  1. You are between 16 – 30 years of age
  2. You have a functional understanding of the English Language
  3. You are all set to take your leadership journey to new places
Relead will help you:
  1. Find out more about yourself. We at The Blue Ribbon Movement truly believe that there is a leader in each on of us. At Relead, we help you discover that Leader in you.
  2. Networking – Being an international program, you will meet many like minded people. But its not the like minded people that will intrigue you, its the people who are completely different from you. You will form life long networks with your fellow participants who will ultimately prove to be very vital and useful later when you plan to start that own business of yours.
  3. Certified course – Relead being a certified course will help give your CV an edge over that of the others.
Registrations for Relead are open on Hurry! Our Early Bird Offer ends on the 31st of October 2014.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Norwegian Government Offers Full Scholarships

Location: Norway.
Type: Fully Funded.
Norwegian Government offers Quota Scheme for Developing Countries students to study at selected Norwegian Universities. The scheme normally includes courses taught in English at Master’s and PhD level, in addition to certain professional degrees. The Quota Scheme will only enrol students from institutions (organisations, universities, authorities) which have collaboration agreements with Norwegian universities or colleges. Norwegian institutions usually do not admit free movers (individual applicants) to this scheme.
  • The Quota Scheme will only enroll students from institutions (organisations, universities, authorities) which have collaboration agreements with Norwegian universities or university colleges. Norwegian institutions usually do not admit free movers (individual applicants) to this scheme. Only in very special cases will free movers be considered. Please contact the institutions directly for individual information.
  • Students who come to Norway as self-financing students will, as a rule, not be considered as being qualified for the Quota Scheme.
  • Students usually apply for degree programmes that serve as a continuation of their studies in their home country or for courses which can be a joint part of a degree programme in their home country (joint degree or sandwich programmes). Most of the programmes offered are at Master’s or PhD level, but the Quota Scheme also offers certain Bachelor’s study programmes.
  • All candidates should typically have the following basic qualifications: Secondary school certificates; Minimum two years of higher education from their home country. Some exceptions apply for certain professional educational courses at Bachelor’s level.
The objective of the scheme is to promote the internationalization of higher education. Currently, the scheme provides full scholarships for a total of 1 100 students, of which 800 are from developing countries and 300 from Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
What does it cover?
The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund is responsible for managing the financial support provided for the Quota students. Each student receives the same amount of money as a Norwegian student would do in an equivalent educational programme. About 30 per cent of the amount is given as a grant and 70 per cent as a loan. However, the loan portion may be waived when the student returns to his/her home country after completing the course of study. Students who stay in Norway after finishing their studies or take up residence in another country than their home country must repay their loan. Normally, the financial support given will not exceed a time span of four years for one definite study plan or a combination of two programmes. Part-time studies are not supported.
How to Apply:
All inquiries should be directed to the International Office at the institution in question. Applications should be sent directly to the institutions and SIU is not responsible for received applications.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Students of Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Comoros, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Djibouti, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar,  Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, North Korea, Pakistan, Palestinian territories, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Phillipines, Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Rwanda, São Tomé & Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon islands, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, South Africa, Tanzania, Tchad, Thailand, The Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Western Samoa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Yemen, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan , Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan can apply for this Quota Scheme.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Application now open for the Asia Foundation Development Fellows 2015

Deadline: November 12, 2014
Location: Singapore, Nepal, USA,

The Asia Foundation Development Fellows program provides highly qualified, young professionals from Asia with an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills and gain in-depth knowledge of Asia’s critical development challenges. The year-long professional advancement program is designed to be a multifaceted experience, involving intensive learning modules – short courses, conferences and study tours in Asia and the U.S. – to enhance leadership skills, Asian development knowledge, professional networks, and international exposure.
The Asia Foundation Development Fellows program is not a full-time fellowship. Fellows will typically remain in their occupations throughout the fellowship year while participating in the programs modules.
The 2015 program is comprised of the following five
  • Leadership Training Program [Singapore, March 4 - 9, 2015] The Leadership Training Program features coursework at the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. Within the larger objective of enhancing leadership skills and potential, the training will focus on strategic thinking and decision-making, working with participants on developing critical perspectives, solving complicated problems, managing change, and introducing innovative approaches in leadership and management.
  • Workshop on Asian Development [Nepal, March 10 - 15, 2015] Leading development practitioners and thinkers, recognized policy leaders, and academics will help Fellows explore strategies, experiences, and approaches that deliver positive impact and advance development knowledge. The 2015 Workshop will be held in Nepal, whose development challenges and innovations will serve as a contextual backdrop for applying theories and concepts in international development. The workshop is held each year in a different Asian nation.
  • Leadership Dialogue and Exchange [U.S.A., September 13 – 30, 2015] Asia Foundation Development Fellows will take part in a leadership dialogue and exchange program in the United States, providing important opportunities to extend personal bonds with their cohort, as well as building international perspectives and networks of support and inspiration. Over a two-week period, the Fellows will take part in a comprehensive series of programs, policy discussions, and leadership development opportunities organized inland around Washington, DC and San Francisco.
  • Professional Development Award: An award of up to US$5,000 will be made available to each of the selected Asia Foundation Development Fellows. This cash award will allow each Fellow the opportunity to design individualized plans to further their leader ship skills and relevant professional experience in areas of particular importance to their career growth. Each Fellow will be asked to develop a personalized, year-long work plan that can involve such areas as enrollment in specialized training programs or short courses, language study, travel to attend key regional forums or workshops, or engagement in a series of other enrichment activities.
  • Mentoring: Building on the regional network and local capacity of The Asia Foundation, the Development Fellows program offers a mentoring component that is tailored around the background and professional interests of the Fellows. The Foundation has valuable perspectives to lend to the field of leadership development, with a proven program history and record of commitment throughout Asia. Fellows will also become part of an active and engaged alumni network.
Asia Foundation Development Fellows must:
  • Have a demonstrable record of high achievement, and must show evidence of outstanding potential for professional advancement and significant impact in their chosen field;
  • Have a demonstrable record of experience and accomplishment related to The Asia Foundation’s fields of expertise – governance and law, economic development, women’s empowerment, environment, and regional cooperation;
  • Have outstanding personal character and integrity;
  • Be thoughtful, committed, respected and inspirational leaders within their professional fields and within their larger community;
  • Be under 40 years of age by the time of selection: January 1, 2015;
  • Be conversant in English (TOEFL exam results are not required);
  • Be available and able to participate in all program components on the program dates specified; and
  • Be resident nationals or citizens of the following countries where The Asia
  • Foundation has programs: AfghanistanBangladeshCambodiaChinaIndiaIndonesiaJapanKoreaLaosMalaysiaMongolia;MyanmarNepalPakistanPhilippinesSingaporeSri LankaThailandTimor-Leste; and Vietnam.
For further information on eligibility, be sure to read our Frequently Asked Questions. You may also direct your inquiries to the Asia Foundation Development Fellows staff at

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Eric Bleumink Scholarships 2015 at University of Groningen in Netherlands

Deadline: January 15, 2015
Location: Netherlands.
Type: Fully Funded.

University of Groningen offers Talent Grant for Developing Countries through the Eric Bleumink funds. Grants are available for pursuing master programme, master (MSc/MA/LL.M.) and PhD programme at University of Groningen. The grant covers tuition fee, costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance. The grant is awarded for a 1 year or 2 years Master’s degree programme. To be nominated the student needs to be (conditionally) admitted to one of the Master’s programmes.

What does it cover?
The grant covers tuition fee, costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance.  Please note that a considerable number of students apply for this scholarship each year, whereas the University can issue only a limited number of grants.
Criteria for approval are:
  • academic excellence, shown by academic performance and may be confirmed by letters of recommendation from university professors;
  • contribution of candidate’s education in terms of strengthening the scientific capacity in the candidate’s home country;
  • perspectives to a long-term linkage between the home institution and the University of Groningen.
  • For Ph.D programmes , the grants will usually be awarded for a maximum period of four years. Part of the research should be conducted in the home country and part in Groningen.
to Apply:
To be nominated the student needs to be (conditionally) admitted to one of the Master’s programmes. Nominations will be handled by the admissions officers. Master’s degree programmes: A step-by-step application guide
  • First the candidate should apply for admission to a Master’s programme at the University of Groningen .
  • When the candidate applies for this admission, he or she must indicate on the online application that he/she wishes to be nominated for a Eric Bleumink Fund scholarship.
  • If the study programme board agrees with the candidacy for a EBF scholarship, they will send a standard application form including the motivation of the candidate to the Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund prior to 1 March. Per studyprogramme only two candidates can be nominated.
  • The Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund will take a decision during their meeting in March.
  • The studyprogramme and the candidate will both be informed on the decision taken by the Board.
  • If a candidate is selected the coordinator and the candidate will have contact on the details of his or her arrival. If necessary he/she can contact the Board of the Eric Bleumink Fund for extra assistance.
  • Ph.D programmes: The application should consist of: (a)an elaborate research proposal or pre-proposal and (b) a letter of recommendation from the academic supervisor describing the benefits of the research for the department and/or the University of Groningen.
  • The application may also be submitted by the academic supervisor at the University of Groningen or at the home institute in the developing country. The academic supervisor in Groningen participates in one of the Research Schools or Research Institutes of the University of Groningen .
  • Motivation: it should be made clear by the applicant that requests for other funding have also been submitted.
Scholarship Open for International Students: This Scholarship program for following Developing Countries : Afghanistan, Angola, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon,, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Korea, Dem. Rep., Timor-Leste, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Congo (Rep.), Côte d’Ivoire, Kyrgyz Republic, Micronesia (Federated States), Sudan (Rep.), Congo (Dem Rep.), South Sudan, Central African Republic.
Applications will be open from October 15th, 2014.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gender and Technology POP-UP Institute

Tactical Tech, in collaboration with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), are organising a 7-day event for up to 50 women and trans people to learn tools and techniques for increasing their understanding and practice in digital security and privacy and to become digital security trainers and privacy advocates.
December 1-8, 2014.
Berlin, Germany
Who is the event for?
This is for influential and vocal women and trans people, who are women's rights activists and/or net activists, and who would like to be trained as digital security trainers and advocates of privacy in order to strengthen their work and the local networks/organisations they are related to.
If you are interested in joining this event, at least four of the following criteria should describe you:
  • You take an active lead in your communities and networks, know your way around the internet, and also know that security and privacy problems can threaten your advocacy and activism and needs to be addressed.
  • You are comfortable with public speaking or training groups, and would like to expand your knowledge and skills, to be able to advise your communities and networks on issues around privacy and data protection.
  • You have strong online and offline networks and support other organisations and individuals who could benefit from digital security and privacy advice.
  • You are the kind of person who understands the tech, or are a techie/hacker, but don't necessarily know how to explain digital security and privacy issues so that others can understand and practice it.
  • You understand and practise digital security and privacy but want to update and further strengthen your tech and training skills.
  • You are a workshop facilitator or are training on closely related topics and consider yourself tech-savvy, and want to add digital security and privacy from a gender perspective to your skill-set.
What will happen there?
The main aim of the Pop-up Institute is to build a community of digital security trainers and privacy advocates, taking into account the gendered dimensions of privacy and security.
The Institute will provide you with tools, resources and techniques that you can use in your own workshops or trainings, and it will enable you to understand the issues and communicate more effectively.  
The Institute will run for one week, with three days dedicated to digital security-technology  training(catering to both new and more practised users of digital security), and three days dedicated totraining of trainers (ToT) and advocacy tools and techniques.
In the latter half you will be able to develop your skills and knowledge so that you can conduct your own digital security training or  convene formal and informal conversations about privacy, risks and vulnerabilities online and offline, and how to mitigate these.  The group will split at times to accommodate different skill sets and learning outcomes.
Everyone will work together during this event to participate in co-designing curricula and resource materials with Tactical Tech and APC for use with other women and trans people, and movements around gender justice and freedom of information and expression.
What will happen after the event is over?
Participants attending the Institute are expected to take what they have learned and apply it to their work within their own communities or networks.
Depending on your focus during the event, this would include activities like 'flash trainings', advising on privacy issues, running your own digital security trainings, raising awareness through writing, online or offline campaigns and so on.
Participants are also expected to participate in the community of digital security trainers and privacy advocates that will emerge from this Institute by providing feedback and support to its members.  This community will document its activities and share its processes to enable other women and trans people to engage with digital security and privacy issues and practices.  
How will the participants for the Institute be selected?
All the applications will be reviewed by an advisory group comprised of APC, Tactical Tech and a few experts working in overlapping sectors of gender, technology and advocacy. They will select people based on the criteria listed above, their skill level and experience, the networks and communities they are professionally connected to, and will ensure group diversity.
How much will this cost me?
Tactical Tech and APC will support 45 people from emerging networks in Africa, post-Soviet states, the Arabic-speaking region, South & South-East Asia, Latin America and the Carribean to attend this event. We will cover travel and accommodation costs, and support you in obtaining a visa, if required. We are also inviting an additional 5-10 self- or organisation-funded individuals (from any region) to join us.
Will there be interpreters?
English will be the working language of the event and no interpreters/translators will be available. Therefore, before applying you should carefully consider whether you feel at ease listening to and speaking English in large group environments. The Gender and Technology Pop-up Institute will enable the development of new trainings on digital security and privacy in 2015 in specific regional locations depending on the demand. Watch this space! For updates, sign up to Tactical Tech's monthly magazine, In the Loop (sent by email and also available online).
Where can I sign up?
If you are interested in attending this week-long institute, please fill in the APPLICATION FORM
Any further questions
If you have any further questions, please contact us at:

Finnish Government Scholarship Pool in Finland

Deadline: February 16, 2015
Location: Finland.
Applications are invited for Finnish Government Scholarship Pool to undertake 3-9 months for doctoral level studies and research at Finnish Universities or Public Research Institutes. The Finnish Government Scholarship Pool programme is open to young researchers from all academic fields. Scholarships include a monthly allowance of EUR 1500.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Finnish Government Scholarship Pool is open for the students of AustraliaChinaCuba,EgyptIndiaIsraelJapanMexicoMongoliaNamibiaRepublic of KoreaTurkeyUkraine and USA.
The Finnish Government offers scholarships of 3-9 months for Doctoral level studies and research at Finnish universities or public research institutes. The Finnish Government Scholarship Pool programme is open to young researchers from all academic fields. The scholarship cannot be applied for Master’s level studies or post-Doctoral studies/research. In order to be an eligible applicant for this scholarship, you must first successfully apply for a study/research placement at a Finnish university/public research institute – in other words, you must be at least provisionally accepted either as a visiting Doctoral-level student/researcher, or as a full-time Doctoral degree student.
The scholarship includes a monthly allowance of EUR 1500. The allowance is sufficient for one person only. Expenses due to travel, international or in Finland, are not covered by CIMO. Scholarship recipients are recommended to make arrangements for sufficient insurance coverage for their stay in Finland. Please see the section ‘Before your arrival’ for information on the practicalities of coming to Finland as an international student/researcher.
To be eligible, the applicant must:
  • have established contact with the Finnish receiving institution before applying (see section ‘Doctoral Admissions’)
  • have a letter of invitation from the academic supervisor in Finland; the invitation should also explain the commitment of the host institution to the project
  • have earned a Master’s-level degree before applying
  • intend to pursue post-Master’s level studies as a visiting student, participate in a research project or teach at a university or public research institute in Finland; priority will be given to doctoral studies
  • not have spent already more than one year at a Finnish higher education institution immediately before the intended scholarship period in Finland
  • be able to give proof of sufficient skills in speaking and writing the language needed in study/research*
  • be a national of one of the eligible countries listed below
    (*) this means that the application must include some proof of the applicant’s language skills – CIMO does not require you to take an IELTS or TOEFL test, but if you have such official proof of your English skills that can of course be enclosed in the application. Usually however it is enough if, for example, the letter of invitation from the hosting Finnish university states that your language skills have been deemed sufficient by the Finnish university.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Environmental Fellowship Program at Harvard University

Deadline: January 14, 2015
Location: Harvard University, USA.
The Harvard University Center for the Environment is awarding approximately six fellowships for the 2015 cohort. The Environmental Fellows will work for two years with Harvard faculty members in any school or department to create new knowledge while also strengthening connections across the University’s academic disciplines. Candidates with a doctorate or equivalent in any field are eligible, and they may propose research projects in any discipline. Applicants without a PhD may apply if they have studied in fields where the Ph.D. is not the typical terminal degree. The application deadline is January 14, 2015.
Study Subject: Fellowships are available in Environmental program to enable recent doctorate recipients to use and expand Harvard’s extraordinary resources to tackle complex environmental problems.
Course Level: Applicants with a doctorate or equivalent in any field are eligible, and they may propose research projects in any discipline. Applicants without a Ph.D. may apply if they have studied in fields where the Ph.D. is not the typical terminal degree. All successful candidates will be able to demonstrate experience performing scholarly research.
  • Candidates for 2015 Environmental Fellowships should have received their terminal degree between May 2011 and August 2015. (Fellows must have filed their dissertation before starting their appointment in September 2015.)
  • Candidates with a doctorate or equivalent in any field are eligible, and they may propose research projects in any discipline. Applicants without a Ph.D. may apply if they have studied in fields where the Ph.D. is not the typical terminal degree. All successful candidates will be able to demonstrate experience performing scholarly research.
  • Each candidate must secure a commitment from one or more Harvard faculty members to serve as a mentor and to provide office or lab space for the two-year fellowship.
  • Harvard is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The Center strongly encourages women and minorities to apply.
  • Candidates may have received their degrees at any university in the world. Foreign nationals are eligible for fellowships, though study at Harvard generally requires proficiency in English.
  • Candidates who received terminal degrees from Harvard, and post-docs currently working at Harvard are eligible for the fellowship provided their research and host arrangements take them in new directions and forge new connections within the University. Harvard candidates should not propose to continue to work with the same professors or lab groups with whom they are currently associated. No candidate should propose to work extensively with his or her thesis advisor.
  • Successful candidates should be prepared to commit to work at Harvard for the full two years of the fellowship. This fellowship requires residency in the Cambridge area and any fieldwork trip must be scheduled for the summer or January recess.
Scholarship Open for International Students: International Students can apply for this Fellowship.
The Harvard University Center for the Environment created the Environmental Fellows program to enable recent doctorate recipients to use and expand Harvard’s extraordinary resources to tackle complex environmental problems. The Environmental Fellows will work for two years with Harvard faculty members in any school or department to create new knowledge while also strengthening connections across the University’s academic disciplines.
Number of award: The Harvard University Center for the Environment expects to award approximately six fellowships for the 2015 cohort.
Duration of award: The duration of award is two years.
What does it cover? The fellowship will provide an annual stipend of $60,000, eligibility for health insurance, a $2,500 annual allowance for travel and professional expenses, and other employee benefits.
Selection criteria:
  • Applicant’s prior academic and professional success and his or her potential contribution to scholarship or practice
  • Project significance: the potential impact of the research project on scholarship at Harvard and on environmental problems
  • Diversity: The selection committee will select a group of fellows in 2015 who will complement those selected the previous year, creating a group of approximately 10 men and women with diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds and a diverse set of academic interests and skills. The ideal group would include fellows working with host faculty members at every one of Harvard’s professional schools and many of the departments overseen by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Recipients—and hosts—may include people with degrees in the sciences, economics, law, government, public policy, public health, medicine, design, and the full array of humanities. Their research topics will be equally varied.
  • Interdisciplinary research projects are encouraged, although this is not a requirement for the fellowship. Candidates with interests in a single discipline are encouraged to apply.
  • Host’s commitment: the host faculty member’s enthusiasm for the proposed project and fellow, the host’s ability to mentor the fellow, and his or her ability to provide office space and a productive work environment.
  • Notification: The Center will select a group of fellows and alternates by March 2015, and contact applicants with results at that time.
How to Apply:
Please complete the following form and attach the relevant supporting documents as PDFs:
  • curriculum vitae including list of publications;
  • detailed research proposal, maximum of five pages, references counted separately;
  • up to three publications/writing samples
  • Three letters of reference, including one from the applicant’s dissertation adviser.
  • A letter of support is also required from the applicant’s host committing to serve as a mentor and explaining his or her commitment to the proposed research, including the provision of office or lab space and any financial commitments.