Monday, September 29, 2014

The Wilson Center International Fellowship Program

Deadline: October 1, 2014
Location: USA.
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Wilson Center) invites scholars, practitioners, journalists and public intellectuals to take part in 9-month residential international fellowship program. The primary aim of the fellowship program is to bridge the gap between the world of ideas and public policy, bringing them into creative contact, enriching the work of both, and enabling each to learn from the other.
The Center is inviting policy-relevant, non-advocacy fellowship proposals that address key challenges confronting the United States and the world.
Thematic Programs:
  • Global Sustainability and Resilience Program
  • Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP)
  • China Environment Forum
  • The Maternal Health Initiative
  • The Urban Sustainability Laboratory
  • History and Public Policy Program
  • Science and Technology Innovation Program
  • Global Women’s Leadership Initiative
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Citizens or permanent residents from any country are eligible to apply. Applicants from countries outside the United States must hold a valid passport and be able to obtain a J-1 visa even if they are currently in the United States.
  • Men and women with outstanding capabilities and experience from a wide variety of backgrounds including academia, business, government, journalism, and other professions are eligible for the fellowship.
  • Applicants can be academic candidates holding a PhD. The PhD must be received by the application deadline.
  • Academic candidates demonstrating scholarly achievement by publications beyond their doctoral dissertations; and practitioners or policymakers with an equivalent level of professional achievement are also eligible.
  • Applicants must be proficient in English.
  • Applicants do not need an institutional affiliation to apply.
  • Scholars and practitioners who previously held research awards or fellowships at the Wilson Center can also apply.

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